What to Do About Pepper Diseases in Georgia

Web AdminBell peppers, Disease, Peppers, Vegetables

By Bhabesh Dutta Anthracnose in pepper is caused by a fungal group of pathogens belonging to mainly Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum. TWO TYPES OF ANTHRACNOSEAnthracnose in pepper is a common issue that pepper growers face, particularly after sun scalding of fruits. This type of anthracnose is called “secondary anthracnose” as the fungal pathogen needs some kind of injury to …

Strategies for Strawberry Disease Management

Web AdminDisease, Strawberry

By Jeff Cook, Garrett Hibbs and Phillip Brannen The key to a successful strawberry season is protecting the plants and developing fruit from insects and diseases. Other than spider mites, fungal diseases pose the biggest threat in the form of production losses. Using multiple disease control strategies helps reduce damage and is important in disease resistance management. FIRST STEPS AND …

Anthracnose Identified on Lima Bean in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina

Web AdminSouth Carolina

Anthracnose disease has been reported on lima bean in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina, according to The South Carolina Grower. Persistent rainfall in the area helped spread the disease throughout the field. The lima bean anthracnose fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum, produces typical Colletotrichum spores in round gooey masses with black hairs. This gives the spore masses a black color. …

Management Strategies for Cucurbit Farmers Against Anthracnose

Web AdminCucurbits, Disease, Research

By Clint Thompson The best management strategies for cucurbit farmers in combating anthracnose disease occurs before the crop will be planted this season. Ed Sikora, professor and Extension plant pathologist in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University, discusses the importance of using varieties that are resistant to the pathogen. “Fortunately, we do have resistant varieties to …