South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline: Caterpillar Pressure Increasing

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Graphic courtesy of South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline.

Caterpillar populations are increasing in southern Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline.

Southern armyworms are observed anywhere between moderate and high levels in some tomato fields in central Florida.

Worm pressure has increased to moderate levels in some locations across Southwest Florida. Southern and beet armyworms are most numerous, with some fruit damage reported in tomato. There have also been reports of loopers, melonworms, fall armyworms and fruitworms. Corn earworm and fall armyworm are increasing in corn.

There are low to moderate levels of fall armyworm, corn earworm and beet armyworm in corn in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Beet armyworms were reported to be at moderate levels in celery, while lesser cornstalk borers were at moderate levels in corn.

Beet armyworm populations were increasing in peppers along the east coast.

Caterpillar pressure has increased to moderate levels in Homestead, Florida, though beet armyworm was reportedly at high levels in okra. Rindworm damage was also reported from melonworms and pickworms in watermelon.

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