Florida Peach Promotion Set for a Second Year

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Sonia Tighe, executive director of the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation (FSCF), is excited to be heading into the second year of a two-year grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to market Florida peaches. The grant was awarded to FSCF to work in collaboration with the Fresh from Florida program.

After seeing great results from last year’s marketing efforts, Tighe is ready to continue the efforts. “We have already been running our trade advertising campaign to make retailers aware that the season is coming,” she says.

Last year, Tighe realized that most consumers, retail stores and marketers were totally unaware that Florida peaches even existed. So, advertising the Florida peach season is crucial to the success of the program. She says a Facebook page has been introduced to reach consumers and make them aware of Florida peaches.

The most critical part of the campaign this year, Tighe says, is the collaboration with Fresh from Florida. “They (Fresh from Florida) are setting up in-store sampling for us. Also, they’re putting the product on ads with retailers. They have those relationships, so they’re setting that up for us,” she says.

According to Tighe, six retail chains will be working with the campaign this year, with sampling stations set up in over 165 stores, which is an expansion from last year. Three of those retail chains will be putting Florida peaches on advertisements, which are expected to reach 970 stores.

“We certainly are hopeful for an expansion in sales as a result of adding more stores,” Tighe says.

The campaign ends in April. Stay tuned for an update on the results from this season.

About the Author

Dan Cooper

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