Blueberry Management: What to Remember for April

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Pests

Blueberry Management

Blueberry harvests are well underway across Florida. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) experts provide blueberry management tips that growers need to be mindful of in April.

Blueberry Management
Photo courtesy of UF/IFAS: Shows Adult blueberry gall midge (female—left, male—right).
Credit: Oscar Liburd, UF/IFAS

Since it is harvest season, farmers need to harvest their crop promptly and cool the ripe fruit.

Growers can use the Blueberry Advisory System (BAS) at, to determine if weather conditions are favorable for the development of anthracnose fruit rot.

Pest pressure is a concern with regards to gall midge and flower thrips. Growers should scout regularly and spray insecticides to control spotted wing drosophila. For those farmers north of Lake City, Florida, if they have a history of blueberry maggot, establish stick traps to monitor for adults.

Scouting is also important blueberry management for adult Diaprepes (citrus) root weevils and adult flatheaded borers on any foliage.

Producers should also apply post-emergence herbicide if weed pressure hinders the growth of blueberry bushes.

Source: UF/IFAS